Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Is Schori's proposed May HOB Meeting to depose the Bishop of Pittsburgh aimed at meeting the deadline for Rowan Williams' Windsor Continuation Group?

StandFirm has the a copy of the e-mail that Katharine Jefferts Schori's office sent out today, polling the House of Bishops on whether they would like to hold an inquisition of the Rt. Rev. Bob Duncan, Bishop of Pittsburgh in May.

Here's the text:

From: HOB
Date: April 8, 2008
Subject: House of Bishops Meeting in May?

Dear Bishops,

As mentioned in our spring meeting, we would like to take an email poll to see whether there is a strong desire for a brief May meeting of the House, exact date and location to be determined.

Our September meeting is still on schedule for September 17-19, tentatively in Salt Lake City, with the 16th set as a travel day. Details about that meeting will be sent out in a later communication.

For now, please respond to the question "Do you want to schedule a May meeting?" by either hitting REPLY or by typing _____@episcopalchurch.org, and simply write "Yes" or "No" along with your name. Thank you,


The Rev. Canon C. K. Robertson, PhD
Canon to the Presiding Bishop

So much for the canons. So much for the failure of the Presiding Bishop to secure the number of votes needed from the Senior Bishops of the Episcopal Church to inhibit Bob Duncan. In fact, Bishop Peter James Lee of the Diocese of Virginia voted no. No. So why would Schori be in such a rush to judgment that she no longer cares about following the canons of her own church or even what damage she is doing to the church in this most incredible folly? It is clear she did not follow the canons when she attempted to whack the Bishop of San Joaquin or Bishop Cox.

As far we know, the Bishop of San Joaquin still has his invite to Lambeth.

But let's just pause a moment.

Let's remember that Rowan Williams has a self-appointed Little Group, euphemistically called the Windsor Continuation Group that is "reviewing" the Lambeth invites. Perhaps Schori is in such a rush so that she can meet the deadlines imposed by Rowan Williams' Little Group (nice to have someone else appointed to do the dirty deeds) in time for them to rip up Bob Duncan's Invitation to Lambeth and thereby, since he is the Moderator of Common Cause, behead the entire movement.

The more we think about it - the more we wonder if Schori is attempting to rush this May meeting through so that Rowan Williams' Little Group can act before Lambeth and ax Bob Duncan right out of the Anglican Communion.

But before anyone should move too quickly - especially in England - perhaps one should pause and consider this list very very carefully.

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