Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Archbishop of York Warns General Convention at Windsor Report Hearing

There was a major surprise tonight at the Windsor Report Hearing. Over 1500 people jammed into a hotel ballroom for the hearing on the Windsor Report. Dozens of speakers rose to speak out - overwhelming against the resolutions as they stand right now from the Special Committee. At one point there was a gasp as the names of witnesses were read out and Bob Duncan, moderator of the Network, was called followed directly by Gene Robinson.

But the suprise came near the end when special guest, the Archbishop of York (second only to Canterbury) rose to speak to the gathering. According to the amazing Matt Kennedy (does this guy sleep?) from Stand Firm, this is what The Most Rev'd John Sentamu said: "Will it be sufficient. I am doubtful. Why? These resolutions do not meet the standard. You must be careful. You need to ask, do these resolutions show us Christ. Do they show the marks of our own affliction as part of the body. Do they show us to be those whose tears are wiped away when Christ returns. Friends we follow a crucified savior. In Anglicanism truth and unity are not separate. I am not sure that your resolutions will create the space necessary for communion. If they do not you must strengthen them. He seemed very doubtful about these resolutions passing internatonal muster and being sufficient on the merits."

Speaker after speaker rose through out the long evening (the hearing began at 7:30 and went to 10:00 p.m.) - and vast majority were not happy with the resolutions as they stand right now. Many are outraged that the General Convention may apologize for what they believe the "Spirit" did in 2003. Others said that the issue was clarity and the resolutions are attempting a fudge. Only a handful thought the resolutions were adquate. And York apparantly does not think they will do it.

Tomorrow morning the Committee will meet again. We will see what they do with what they heard tonight.


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