Monday, July 23, 2007

The Ring, the Crozier, and the Cope

So what do you think the Deathly Hallows represent? Does power reside in the symbols of authority? There are many symbols of authority and wielding those symbols can be powerful. But where does the power to defeat evil truly reside? What makes a true disciple of Jesus Christ?

Does real power reside in the heart, for as J.K. Rowling quotes in her latest book, "where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also"? Where is our treasure? What if our treasure is not something we can find in Gringotts?

Harry displays a power that comes from love, but not just any love - but agape love.

And no greater love than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends.


writekathy said...

Agape is the rarest love there is. The ability to love without reservation or condition is not something we are born knowing. We learn it by receiving it from someone else. Someone who has allowed Christ's love to shine through them gives love freely to you.
The trappings of power and success are indeed hollow. My four year old likes to ask me, "Where does Jesus live?" I point to his heart and my heart, and explain that He lives in all of us. We need to act out of love.
A few weeks ago, he asked me if it lived in that guy, pointing to my now former bishop. " Yes, Jesus lives there too, but I don't think the Bishop hears him."

Unknown said...

Beautifully written, writekathy. Thank you so much for posting! ;-)
