Monday, July 09, 2007


Kevin said...


It's been a hard Monday in bloggieland, just what is needed, a little praise music with one of your pretty picture posted. A needed refresher!

Thanks, BB.

Unknown said...

I know. Friendly Fire isn't pretty.

Kevin said...

There is certainly room holding one accountable (it may have helped if there was a tad friendly fire in Joshua 7 or 1 Sam 13) but what went on there wasn't pretty and not very Christian at all. Then there is the one-sided cat-fight is just bizarre attack on a family while spouting feminist theology (hot button issue with me).

Pretty picture and praise music ... a much healthier ... what blogdom needed today!

Kevin said...

I suppose my example too harsh, maybe like a little friendly fire to King Hezekiah showing the Temple treasure would be accurate (I do think there is cause for concern, but there's been attacks all over the place recently [++Gomez's speech was another one of those]).