Sunday, September 07, 2008

HP Update

As many of us who hang about t the cafe know, Harry Potter fans are most welcome. After the final book came out last year, we set up Shell Cottage where we post much of our PotterWatch news and essays. Earlier this week we had a scare when the HP Lexicon disappeared, but thanks to a post from Steve of the Lexicon at Shell Cottage, it has been found. We continue to watch for a verdict on the fate of the Lexicon in print, as well as the fate of fansites on the internet. Stay tuned.

We've been a bit (okay, quite!) piqued of late since the sixth film has been postponed from an opening date in two months to an opening date in July 2009. We're trying to get over it - and as though recognizing the disappointment of so many, Warner Brothers has kept to its original schedule of test screenings - which of course are then blasted all over the internet.

One of those early test screenings was held last night in Chicago and for those of you who are fans and are curious - and can't wait until next summer - you can find the links to some of those test screening reports over at Shell Cottage. They are filled with what are called "spoilers" (the reports tell us all about the early cut of the film - including which scenes are in and which are out) but in doing so, allow the filmmakers to hear reactions from both novice audience members as well as HP experts. The reports we've found so far are from the HP experts.

So check it out - and when you're done there, take a trip over to Travis Prinzi's excellent establishment, The Hogs Head, where you'll find great essays and reviews and a terrific podcast called, well - the Hog's Head Pubcast. There are some updates and new drapes and looks like some new tables to replace the ones we broke after Warner Brothers announced the sixth film's postponement. But do stop by and say hi and watch out for Aberforth.


RMBruton said...

Two sounds I've always loved, rushing water and trains. Now we get to spend the week listening to all the hype for Ike.

Anonymous said...

My first reaction to "HP Update" was "why is BB telling us about Hewlett-Packard?" (My computer and printer are made by HP.) Guess you can tell I'm not a Harry Potter fan, eh? ;)