Sunday, August 03, 2008

Bishop of Colorado: Would rather litigate than negotiate

It's not clear, though, what he means by "reconciliation" if there's no negotiation - he certainly didn't seem to be in any mood for reconciliation either. We asked him if, in the spirit of the Indaba groups and all that we've read in in the "Reflection" document, if the Bishop of Colorado would go home and negotiate rather than litigate. The answer: nope.

By the way, that final dig against the CANA parish in the Diocese of Colorado? I confronted him about that and he backed off. Clearly he is used to talking to people who have no idea what's going on. I had a polite but quite frank conversation with him after the press conference - I pleaded with him to consider modeling a better way than litigation that would be an example even in our own conflict in the Diocese of Virginia, real reconciliation by facing one another rather than litigating one another, to try Indaba at home. I keep looking for Sauls that will have a Road to Emmaus experience on their way home from Lambeth. You just never know who that might be. But Bishop O'Neill has a mighty interesting way to describe his version of "reconciliation" - he's quite charming, quite polished, but still refuses to go off message. Lambeth wasn't even over yet and the zeal to litigate marches on. You can see in the video how he turns the tables to make himself blameless - he is the victim, it's that one horrid parish that's all to blame. Yes, the really makes us believe him about his desire for reconciliation. Pass the hot peppers please. But we'll keep praying anyway.


Anonymous said...


For ALL of us who have had to endure these duplicitous bishops and their 'message' of reconcilliation - thanks for calling him on the carpet.


Anonymous said...

Why do we always want someone else to be Saul?
Perhaps we are the one called to walk the road to Emaus.

Anonymous said...

All need to walk the Emmaus Road. Those who "breathe fire against the disciples of the Lord," though, are headfing for Damascus. One way or another.