Peter Lee. Once thought by some to have been the Diocesan of the See of Virginia. Actually, that was a masquerade. Lee has been a been blacksmith beating the canons into grotesque shapes since 2003. His work isn't very pretty but he swings a heavy hammer to compensate for his artificer inadequaties.
Question was Dr. Noll out of Virginia when he left for UCU in Uganda or was he Pittsburgh at the time?
That would be very interesting.
Already he licensing Martyn in October shows a discontinuity in +Lee's logic, for he could not license a RC priest, whom these canons were written. It would be interesting to go through records and find all transfers to other providences of the AC done by Virginia in the last ten years. A direct transfer from DioVA to Uganda would be a one-to-one to prove his improper use. Already he actually hurt his future case when licensed +Minns, but that was under the old PB.
What a lovely photo of Shrinemont! I loke it ever so much better than what used to be there - whatever it was. I cant' remember - just noticed and like the change.
G'day BB, I've been thinking about that big C in the TEC's communion. It could be that 815 has already seen the handwriting on the wall and that when the hammer falls, they'll find themselves outside of the greater Anglican Communion... ergo, a communion unto themselves. A "communion of one" does seem to be an oxymoron hough. Pax Deus!
Kevin, I believe Steve Noll was Pittsburgh. I did not see him at Annual Council so I think we can assume it's Pittsburgh. Very good point about the licensing of MM. I believe he also addressed Martyn as the Rt. Rev. as well. Bishop Lee has no authority to license anyone unless their orders are recognized by the Episcopal Church (i.e., the Anglican Communion and the Evangelical Lutherans). So Bishop Lee recognized that Martyn Minns' orders were (and are) valid.
The Oct. 2 DioVA press release plainly states +Minns is now a bishop, thus no longer conically resident (wow, that can happen) thus needing license to serve, thus he did so (thus recognizing CofN as part of the AC). Then in January a move that is completely inconsistent with his previous action -- all the while just ignoring his own lack of integrity in action.
(Still would love if research would find any conical transfer to CofN, Uganda,, Rwanda in the last ten years but even CofE or Australia would be interesting).
Peter Lee. Once thought by some to have been the Diocesan of the See of Virginia. Actually, that was a masquerade. Lee has been a been blacksmith beating the canons into grotesque shapes since 2003. His work isn't very pretty but he swings a heavy hammer to compensate for his artificer inadequaties.
Mark has not posted yet as of 16:54 on 8/4/07 but last post was 18:25 on 8/3/07. Though not all comments make it through, he's been pretty good.
Question was Dr. Noll out of Virginia when he left for UCU in Uganda or was he Pittsburgh at the time?
That would be very interesting.
Already he licensing Martyn in October shows a discontinuity in +Lee's logic, for he could not license a RC priest, whom these canons were written. It would be interesting to go through records and find all transfers to other providences of the AC done by Virginia in the last ten years. A direct transfer from DioVA to Uganda would be a one-to-one to prove his improper use. Already he actually hurt his future case when licensed +Minns, but that was under the old PB.
What a lovely photo of Shrinemont! I loke it ever so much better than what used to be there - whatever it was. I cant' remember - just noticed and like the change.
G'day BB,
I've been thinking about that big C in the TEC's communion. It could be that 815 has already seen the handwriting on the wall and that when the hammer falls, they'll find themselves outside of the greater Anglican Communion... ergo, a communion unto themselves. A "communion of one" does seem to be an oxymoron hough.
Pax Deus!
Kevin, I believe Steve Noll was Pittsburgh. I did not see him at Annual Council so I think we can assume it's Pittsburgh. Very good point about the licensing of MM. I believe he also addressed Martyn as the Rt. Rev. as well. Bishop Lee has no authority to license anyone unless their orders are recognized by the Episcopal Church (i.e., the Anglican Communion and the Evangelical Lutherans). So Bishop Lee recognized that Martyn Minns' orders were (and are) valid.
Yes, +Minns license is catch 22 for +Lee.
The Oct. 2 DioVA press release plainly states +Minns is now a bishop, thus no longer conically resident (wow, that can happen) thus needing license to serve, thus he did so (thus recognizing CofN as part of the AC). Then in January a move that is completely inconsistent with his previous action -- all the while just ignoring his own lack of integrity in action.
(Still would love if research would find any conical transfer to CofN, Uganda,, Rwanda in the last ten years but even CofE or Australia would be interesting).
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