The Feb 1-5 meeting at the Helnan Palestine Hotel in Alexandria will open with a morning retreat led by the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams followed by worship at St Mark’s pro-Cathedral. Business sessions will be interspersed over the week with worship and excursions to local sites, including the Alexandria School of Theology and the newly renovated Bibliotheca Alexandrina.Read it all here.
However it is unlikely the agenda for the five-day gathering will survive unscathed. At their meeting in 2005 in Northern Ireland and in 2007 in Tanzania the primates rebelled, forcing the meeting to address the issues that had split the Anglican Communion.
In organizing the agenda, Dr Williams solicited the views of his fellow archbishops, presiding bishops and moderators, asking what topics they wished to discuss. From these responses he developed a lesson plan that will include a session on global warming, international finance, co-ordination of development work among church agencies, and the Communion’s theological working group. Time has also been set aside for a discussion of the May agenda of ACC-14 in Kingston, Jamaica, the Anglican Covenant, and a presentation from the Windsor Continuation Group.
Five primates: Uganda, the Episcopal Church, Canada, Pakistan and South Africa have been asked to prepare briefings on issues facing their churches, while leaders of the Gafcon movement have been asked to present a paper on the third province movement in North America.
The primates come into the Alexandria meeting with some degree of bad feeling amongst themselves and with the leadership of Dr Williams. The Gafcon primates are seeking a mandate to create a third province in North America, while liberal leaders are adamantly opposed. Last week, we heard Rowan Williams successor, the Archbishop of Wales, Dr Barry Morgan tell delegates to the Diocese of Virginia’s annual synod that he would vigorously oppose any plan for parallel jurisdictions, while earlier this month the Church of Nigeria’s bishops said their call for a new province was non-negotiable.
We heard the Archbishop of Wales vow to oppose with every fiber of his body any conversation on the creation of a third province in North America, mostly motivated by what appeared to be his own selfish fears that it could happen to him too. There's a major lesson there, but to actually stop and consider that perhaps the "new and improved" progressive innovations being imposed on the North American provinces are actually having a devastating affect on its ability to grow (which the provinces haven't actually done in recent memory). If the North American provinces were businesses, they would be heading to Washington for a TARP handout.
Will the need to preserve a historic well-defined caste-system that wants to retain the trappings of a bygone Victorian era while infusing it with progressive western cultural innovations continue to strong-arm the Global South into compliance? Who doesn't want to be hip? Will we see the well-financed Episcopalians running this show in Alexandria (while the British charm offensive continues), as the majority of the Anglican Communion are swept aside in irrelevant silence?
Rowan Williams is deeply into his role now as Archbishop of Canterbury now. He was extremely effective at Lambeth in accomplishing what he set out to do, so much so that the Presiding Bishop stood with arms folded in defiance in the end. The staffers from bygone years are now gone. Who will the Episcopalians saddle up to now that Jim Rosenthal is gone? What sort of leverage does Katharine Jefferts Schori enjoy over the Archbishop of Canterbury, even now?
We will know not by what he says, but by what he does.
Even the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia is now circulating liturgies for same sex blessings - what more evidence does Canterbury need, unless he too agrees that this is the future for the Anglican Communion, to embrace the innovations of Western culture and impose those innovations on to the rest of the world?
He doesn't seem to me to be that sort of person, for he has appeared to be a man without guile - but this Primates Meeting will show us the truth.
Perhaps this is a good time to recall this historic event in Jerusalem.
"... this Primates Meeting will show us the truth."
With all due respect, isn't that what's been said about EVERY primates' meeting since 2003?
If the sky doesn't fall pretty soon, Chicken Little is going to be out of work!
I don't disagree with you, Susan. But I learned from you that it's an inch at a time. ;-)
This time, however, we have a new province in front of us and the Episcopal Church continuing its March into Progress - and will Rowan Williams be known in the history books as the Archbishop of Canterbury who presided over the breakup of the Anglican Communion as we've known it? I doubt that's what he wants, but he could get it in multiple ways.
He's working very hard in England on a media offensive to rehabilitate his image, going around and opening schools and making happy speeches that cause little concern and being a traditional Archbishop of Canterbury. He has a new media team and staff and their advice is far superior to what he's had since he moved into Lambeth Palace.
But it's also clear that are deep roots of anti-Americanism (for all of us - not just progressives or conservatives, but all of us - an interesting boat to be in, eh? Surely you saw it too when you were at Lambeth) and that is one card that's being trumped to keep the Commonwealth nations in line. Interesting, no?
What would be the best way to deal with the "American problem" while continuing to keep one's own reputation unscathed? After all, Rowan needs the funding the extremely wealthy Episcopal Church offers.
That, I think, will be interesting to watch - as it was at Lambeth. Jim Rosenthal's departure was perhaps one sign that Rowan Williams is exerting more influence and leadership over the Anglican Communion and it will be interesting to see how he handles his own issues with the Commonwealth nations represented in the Anglican Communion in contrast to the Americans. Even the Canadians are in the Commonwealth.
By isolating the Americans - but only enough to keep the money flowing - and let us go to fight it out among ourselves, he gets the money he needs from TEC, he splits the Global South, and he may think he'll be able to kick this can down the road until the next guy (or I supposed girl) takes the throne of Augustine.
The anti-Americanism is something to consider, I think. Our blood does not and will not run blue. And the reality is, neither will the rest of the Commonwealth. At some point, the rest of the Communion will see that England is fading and if the Church is going to grow in mission, it must recognize that it's center is no longer in Britain - but East Africa. Perhaps that's why he's taking the Archbishop of York with him - the center of gravity is closer to York than it is Canterbury.
We - Americans on both sides of our divide - may be used to foster the churches in Britain's own short-term gains - and perhaps that's not a problem to the current leadership of The Episcopal Church, a small price to pay for license to practice cultural innovations within the structures of the province.
But at some point, the resentment will be felt again (perhaps far sooner than any predicted) in the Global South, that they too are used to keep Britain in control, only for the orthodox Global South bishops - they answer to a higher authority and recognize that ultimately they are accountable to Him.
And that may weigh heavy on their hearts, even now.
We shall see.
I always read your analysis with interest BB.
"The anti-Americanism is something to consider"
I suppose over here, and travelling around the world there is also an element of anti-Britishness to consider - but as the Empire recedes further into the past this is perhaps lessening. But it usually doesn't take much to bring it out.
We all have our cross to bear.
In some ways as the Primates prepare to gather, as the ABC prepares, and as we note some Archbishops are putting in their oar, my overall impression is how very quiet it is.
Blessings and thank you for your very interesting and topical blog, music and all.
Canterbury will do what Paul does in the Epistle (RCL) for this coming Sunday... he will plead with the church leaders to think of the common good, to make room for weaker members, and to base spiritual decisions on their potential to help or harm the faithful.
And some leaders will assert their personal agendas with the predictable consequences.
Seeeewwwsan Russell's day job must not have enough effort being spent. She seems to have a-plenty of time to reveal her every maladapted thought on not only her own tiny, ever-shrinking blog, but anywhere else she surfs up to in her many free hours of the day. Still unwilling to be a rector on your own someplace and use those winning ways in another TEC parish?
Yes, Susan. You'll run GC '09. You'll get your agenda whipped up with little opposition. You have that charm. Then you'll have to explain why you've been a ramrod who has broken the Church's communion with Anglican Christianity by GC '15.
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