Thursday, September 13, 2007

TLC Reporting that "Revised" Primatial Vicar will be unveiled at New Orleans House of Bishops Meeting

George Conger is reporting:

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will offer a revamped primatial vicar plan to the House of Bishops at their meeting next week in New Orleans, sources who have been briefed on the broad outline of the new proposal told The Living Church.

The plan is said to call for a nominee of the Presiding Bishop’s to exercise delegated pastoral authority over those dioceses that had requested alternate primatial oversight from Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams following the 2006 General Convention.

However, the Rt. Rev. Jack L. Iker, Bishop of Fort Worth, said a plan that placed the ultimate authority in the hands of the Presiding Bishop was a non-starter. Fort Worth would not accept the “unilateral dictates” of the Presiding Bishop, he said.

Last November, Bishop Jefferts Schori proposed a “primatial vicar” scheme where she would appoint a bishop to serve as her “designated pastor,” presiding at consecrations and acting in her stead for “any other appropriate matters.”

Neva Rae Fox, a spokeswoman for the Episcopal Church’s Office of Communications, stated she had no knowledge of a new plan, but hypothetically if something like that were introduced during the meeting, it would probably be during the business sessions Sept. 24-25.

The "Primatial Vicar" of course is not what has been put before The Episcopal Church by the Dar es Salaam Communique - that is Katharine Jefferts Schori's scheme. Also, just who does she have in mind? If she's smart, it will have to be a Network Bishop (or it will never even see the light of day - the laity would have to be split, the Network would have to be split). There's only one person we can think of for that position. And finally, note what Neva Rae Fox says - that if such a plan were to be brought forward, Katharine Jefferts Schori would wait until the last minute - when we hear the Network bishops may have all ready left the meeting. This is the typical type of maneuvering strategies we see regularly at General Convention, where substantial issues are held to the very last minute when everyone is tired and wants to get out of Dodge - or in this case, New Orleans. Let's keep an eye on this.

Read the entire article here.

LATER UPDATE: We are thinking that this might be a good time to re-read this very carefully.


Kevin said...

Is it me or have I seen this before?

Anonymous said...

In the aerospace industry, when these reorganization schemes rolled around every few years, we called it BOHOCA. Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.

Anonymous said...

BOHICA. Can't even spell today.

Andy said...

A Vichy Vicarage me thinks?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, the link to the "re-read" document doesn't work for me. I'll try again later.

Unknown said...

Thanks, anon! The link is fixed. Thank you!
