Friday, March 27, 2009

Bishop John W. Howe stands for election to the Executive Council; voting will take place at General Convention this summer

The Bishop of Central Florida, John W. Howe, is among the nominees to the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church. Here's his statement:
I am a life-long Episcopalian, who holds positions that are not well represented at the national level of The Episcopal Church.

I am an evangelical in the tradition of John Stott, and my ministry has been one of building bridges between “renewal-oriented” Episcopalians and “traditionalists,” “moderates” and “liberals.” I am pro-life, a former President and Chairman of the Board of the National Organization of Episcopalians for Life (NOEL), now called “Anglicans for Life.” I am one of the founders of Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and a former editor of
Kerygma magazine, now called Mission and Ministry.

I am in a distinct minority on many of the hot-button issues before The Episcopal Church. And yet, I am committed to keeping my vows within The Episcopal Church. I believe that there needs to be a voice representing this minority perspective, and I offer mine.
The purpose of the Executive Council is to "carry out the program and policies adopted by the General Convention and have charge of the coordination, development and implementation of the ministry and mission of the church. The Executive Council is required to manage the budget of the church, submit to General Convention a budget for the next triennium and make annual reports to the church of receipts and disbursements and a statement of all trust funds and properties.

The Executive Council also serves as the Board of Directors of what is officially called the "Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society" of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America. Of course, there is no centralized "Episcopal Church" - there is the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society and the Presiding Bishop chairs the council that oversees its work for the society. "The church" has traditionally been the dioceses, not 815's digs in Manhattan. The church gathers its dioceses in General Convention to pass resolutions and ratify changes to the canons, and to authorize the budget. The Executive Board is charged to "carry out the program and policies adopted by the General Convention," as well as manage the budget. It does not even have the authority that a local vestry has in the Diocese of Virginia.

The other bishops nominated to the Executive Board are the Bishop of Michigan, Wendell N. Gibbs, the Bishop of North Carolina, William O. Gregg, the Bishop of Ohio, Mark Hollingsworth, Jr. , and the roaming bishop for "American Churches in Europe," (sorry Spain), Pierre Whalon.

There is a smattering of other orthodox leaders running in the other orders for the Executive Board, including Kevin Marin in the clergy order and Christopher Wells in the laity order. Two candidates will be elected from each order to fill the six vacancies.

The election will be held at General Convention this summer in Anaheim, California.


Anonymous said...

What's the over/under on Bp. Howe's actually being elected to the EC? Hmmm??

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why they don't all abandon ship and throw in the towel. There are brighter (orthodox Christian)places on the horizon!

Anonymous said...

Good that you scooped again, BB.

One of the things that frustrate us is that this stuff doesn't show up first on the Dio. Cent. FL website...or at all.

Lakeland Two

Unknown said...

All I can say is that we see over and over again in Scripture that God has a thing about taking what may appear as "hopeless causes" and breathing new life into them. The Lord has a track record, there, bringing the dead to life and all.

My view is that if there are those who have convictions that God has called them to work within the structures of TEC, we should support them. No one has a market on virtue and a war isn't won on one battle front but on many fronts put together. We are on the same side.

From what John Howe has written, he is offering the Church a choice to embrace their professed value of "inclusiveness" and give the orthodox minority a voice on the Executive Council. The rest is up to General Convention.

I for one watch with great interest to see what GC will do. And God Bless John Howe for being willing to put himself up before the Church for a vote, even at this hour.

Who knows what the Lord may do when we are willing to stand and serve.


-Daniel 3:18

Anonymous said...

Odds favoring +Howe making it?
Anyone? Anyone?

Unknown said...

Okay - a Poll is now up here (highlight and copy url):
