(L-R) Bishop Martyn Minns, Bishop Chuck Murphy, Bishop John Guernsey, Bishop Robert Duncan, Bishop Bill Atwood, Bishop Jack Iker, and Bishop Bill Murdoch (Photo: Kevin Kallsen, Anglican TV)
See all the photos from today's Consecration of John Guernsey as an Anglican Bishop here.
I know a lot of people are complaining about the anglican alphabet soup that this is making, but I happen to love alphabet soup, and I am glad to see my bishop (Chuck Murphy) there as well. God is bringing the anglican communion into new life. This picture is proof.
Alphabet soup? The notion that Christians have to agree on everything to be one is nonsense! These photos tell the story of the Church (not just Anglicans). His Body is resilient and vital because Christ God is alive!
I am very jealous of the Kevin for getting to go on a seven hour bus ride from Nairobi to Kampala with that group, says Rob Roy on this thread, after the whole group was bumped off the Kenyan airline.
And the driver? No, no, don't think about that.
This is definitely vegetable BEEF soup. Awesome. Hooray +John! Wouldn't Natasha have loved to see +Boris? :)
I was thinking the same thing.
The notion that Christians have to agree on everything to be one is nonsense!
Except when it comes to views on sexuality and the so called "authority" of scripture. You might be friends now, but as churches with a culture of being against something, whether it's homosexuality, abortion, or whatever, it won't last.
Oceania has always been at war with East Asia
The point is that this gathering of the orthodox is a miracle. No should ever forget that it an extraordinary gift of the the Lord that, for example, evangelicals and Anglo Catholics have come together in ways they have never been able to do before. That is the story here - and one we give thanks to the Lord - for it is His work that has made it so. Our dependence is on Him.
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