This "protest" is is timed to occur during the Episcopal House of Bishops meetings so that the media can cover the House of Bishops meeting here in New Orleans while showing pictures and video of Episcopalians (and others) opposing the Anglican Archbishop's visit to non-Episcopal parishes in Chicago. It will highlight "border crossings" which has been what the progressive bishops in the House have been shouting about the most in their "conversation" with Rowan Williams as well as "gay rights" in Nigeria (not sure if people understand how close Nigeria is to becoming another Iran, but nevermind - we Americans do believe the world revolves around us, I mean we really do, don't we?). This is a staged political event, timed for the media to use in their footage of the House of Bishops.
Perhaps this would be good time to remember what Lee Atwater, who knew a few things about staging events for political gain, wrote after his conversion to Roman Catholicism as he prepared for death at the age of forty:
My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood. The '80s were about acquiring -- acquiring wealth, power, prestige. I know. I acquired more wealth, power, and prestige than most. But you can acquire all you want and still feel empty. What power wouldn't I trade for a little more time with my family? What price wouldn't I pay for an evening with friends? It took a deadly illness to put me eye to eye with that truth, but it is a truth that the country, caught up in its ruthless ambitions and moral decay, can learn on my dime. I don't know who will lead us through the '90s, but they must be made to speak to this spiritual vacuum at the heart of American society, this tumor of the soul.
Should 815, at such a time as this, be promoting such strategic and political actions that increase this spiritual vacuum, or as Atwater wrote, this tumor of the soul? Is this really how the Presiding Bishop wants to promote conversation on one hand, while strategically targeting the chair of the Anglican Communion Global South with the other? We wonder, we really do.
I don't wonder, my sister in Christ, I know. TCGC is so locked into the Satanic Agenda they cannot discern or take part in Christian charity in any form.
I would hope Lady Katherine or her minions does not encourage the beginning of demonstrating outside of churches.
I read the ENS article, but I don't see any indication that the Episcopal Church is "promoting" today's demonstration in Wheaton. According to the article, Chicago Bishop "Persell said that he is aware that there will be a 'respectful, silent protest outside the service on behalf of LGBT Africans.'"
The idea for this demonstration arose during conversations at Father Jake's blog, leading a layperson to decide to take some action; he provides more information here. As far as I can tell, there's been neither endorsement nor support from the diocese or TEC.
I was present at the Midwest Anglican Awakening service this morning at Edman Chapel on the Wheaton College campus. There were very few protesters on a public sidewalk just outside College property; I didn't get terribly close to them, but I would be surprised if there were more than a half-dozen or so. There was a large banner proclaiming something about equal rights, and smaller placards declaring that Bishop Akinola preaches hate. Inside the Chapel, I would estimate there were at least 2000 worshipers in a space that seats 2400. It was a passionate, deeply uplifting 2+ hours.
Bishop Akinola spoke from John 17. To summarize, he focused on the point that only the power of the Gospel can bring true unity, and that there must be transformation before unity can flourish. He said that in today's society, we find excuses, claims of superior knowledge, attempts to rewrite the Bible or follow it selectively. All of these things deny the Godhead, because they pit our agendas against God's. He declared that the only evidence of true love of God is obedience, and that whatever in our lives does not yet conform to God is a true mission field. There is no alternative to the Gospel. Unity is not created by fiat or by wishful thinking. The Millennium Development Goals are honorable and worthy, but if they are not a response to the call of God, they are no better than anything given by anyone else. Charity can be an alternative or a cover-up to true transformation. The Church can be very, very busy doing plenty of nothing. He ended by declaring with Hebrews, that if you hear His voice today, do not harden your hearts. He also led a prayer for healing from the Holy Spirit just prior to the final benediction.
DuPage Anglican
ENS "choses" what it reports and how it reports it (which is a major reason Kendall Harmon started his blog). It is not a "news" organization, it is an advocacy organization, especially since 815 changed leadership.
DuPage Anglican, thank you so much for your report. For those who actually meet and talk with Peter Akinola find a very very different man than the one caricatured by progressive advocates.
DuPage Anglican,
Thanks too. What struck me about your report was the bishop's remarks about the MDG's. Have just reread some William Temple who made the same point. He said that our charity and good works, if they do not come from a commitment to putting God first into our lives and work and relationships, will not be effective. It sounds like the good Bishop has learned a lot of sound doctrine from mother church. It is so refreshing to hear these days.
"Truly, the highest goal that man can have before him, not only a man but mankind, is fellowship with God. But how are we to reach it?"
" ... we need first of all more illumination in order that we may see his will; and that illumination must always take the form largely of purification, because what hinders us ... is not for the most part lack of intelligence, it is the actual distortion of our faculties which have become twisted through our trying to put ourselves in the center of the picture, instead of putting God there. We need conversion; and I want to urge upon you that before we come to doing the things which we believe God wants done, and as a condition of our doing what he really wants and of doing it with any effectiveness, we must be giving up ourselves ... [to God]."
From Wm Temple, Basic Convictions
BB, I'm disappointed in your commentary. I agree with Lisa: The protest was not endorsed nor in any way supported by 815 (your use of ++Katharine's photo is out of line, red-herringish). Simply because it was reported by ENS (or anyone, for that matter) doesn't mean it was endorsed (would you say the same if Kendall reported it?!? I think not...). Grasping at straws.
Further... If I finally hear you, Kendall, +Minns, or anyone else in CANA speak out against ++Peter's late support of that wretched bit of legislative business of several months ago in Nigeria (you know, the one that would have given me jail time merely for having coffee with a chap to discuss gay rights...), perhaps I'll give your more limited support of the Archbishop more respect. You would also need to say that his comparison of homosexuality to "a cancerous growth" on the church and his desire for a millstone to be around my neck and his diatribe that I am no worse than a dog -- you would also need to say that this "very very different man" is wrong. And you might, thereby, gain the respect of more middle-of-the-roaders.
Until then, by association, you inherit his stigma.
Padre Wayne
BB, if what you're saying above (posted at 4:49) is true, then shouldn't the folks at ENS have been smart enough to provide a hyperlink to the website that had all the details about the event? They provided links to a whole bunch of other sites.
I understand you and I disagree about Archbishop Akinola. I just don't understand your attempt to lay this at the feet of TEC or Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori.
In a world where ENS ignores the address given by Abp. Anis, it's clear why the ++Akinola protest was covered.
Anon, you are absolutely right. We shouldn't be naive that an advocacy publication like ENS would publicize the protest, but we still haven't gotten coverage of Anis address - even though major media outlets have covered it and the New York Times even asked the Archbishop of Canterbury about it at the press conference - but still silence from ENS.
Hey Padre Wayne,
+Minns is on record against the law (NPR interview) which may be in a large part for more moderate voices speaking and zeroing in on certain sections of it (I've off line held BB to account), but not on the reasons you'd put forth or on the sections you'd probably quote. As to Cannon Harmon, you really misspoke tying him to CANA, while personal friend to +Martyn, his politics are a tad different. To +Akinola, well I came from a conference where Michael Gerson spoke as a private citizen was critical a few Bush polices, it is possible to differ from your boss.
As to your respect, who cares? You demonstrated two incorrect bits of information already, thus on weak footing. More important is you do not have a relationship with him. I referenced Harmon+ & +Minns has some different idea on reform but Kendall was at Martyn's installation, thus his respect or not probably has a lot more emphasis over yours or mine with +Minns.
Thus to the last line ... who cares?
AMiA has a stigma, shoot I've heard BB mouth off last October about them. However it's not stopped one group growing ten fold in three years, did it? That's the difference of trying to please man or God.
Where is the ENS report on the other witnesses to the HOB provided by the ACC? Surely their voices should be heard.
Let ENS work for justice for the HOB THREE held captive in close door meetings and unable to get their message out!
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