Convocation of Anglicans in North America
January 26, 2007
The Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee
FAX: 804.644.6928
Dear Bishop Lee:
I am writing to you in response to your recent decision to "inhibit" 21 Anglican clergy and to rescind the licenses of 6 additional clergy who serve as faithful pastors in congregations throughout Virginia.
As you well know, such an action was not necessary since it has long been the custom of the church to permit an orderly transfer of clergy when they move from one Anglican jurisdiction to another. Indeed, several of your brother bishops in The Episcopal Church have followed this pattern and have done so with generosity and grace. Those who have applied to serve as part of the Convocation of Anglicans in North America (CANA) have now been received, appropriate licenses have been granted, and they function as ordained Anglican clergy in Christ'’s one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church under my episcopal oversight.
I have already responded in my letter of January 16th to your erroneous claim that you were not able to make such a transfer because the Anglican District of Virginia (ADV) is allegedly not "“recognized". ADV is an integral part of CANA, which is -- as you have repeatedly acknowledged --— a missionary initiative of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion). Are you, by your actions, suggesting that the Church of Nigeria is somehow not fully Anglican? Such a suggestion would be ironic in light of the meeting of the Primates in Dar es Salaam to be held early next month when a major agenda topic is whether or not The Episcopal Church --— and hence the Diocese of Virginia --— should continue to be recognized as fully Anglican or moved to a diminished or separated status.
I would also point out that the manner in which you have treated these clergy, and the lay staff of the churches they serve, by refusing to permit an adequate grace period for the transfer of their healthcare benefits, appears uncharitable. Maintaining adequate healthcare coverage during times of employment transition has been a government mandate for all employees through programs such as COBRA. It does not cost the previous employing agency--in this case the Diocese of Virginia--a penny, and yet you have deliberately denied it.
In your letter to me of January 22nd, in which you expressed your concern about the recent vandalism at Truro Church, you said that it “does not honor Christ and simply gives to the world a false impression of how differences are dealt with in the Christian community.” I was grateful for your expression of concern about the damage to our property; I urge you to show the same concern for these individuals and their families.
In an open letter dated November 17, 2006 the president of the diocesan Standing Committee promised that congregations which decided to disaffiliate from the diocese, would be able to part ways "within a context of mutual understanding and compassion." There is still time to fulfill that promise.
I am mindful that you will receive this letter as you begin the 212th Annual Council of the Diocese of Virginia and as your own ministry transition accelerates by the election of a Bishop Coadjutor. It is my prayer that you will be sustained by God'’s grace during these trying times.
+Martyn Minns
Missionary Bishop of CANA
Cc: 21 inhibited clergy
Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Standing Committee
Members of the 212th Annual Council
RE: Maintaining adequate healthcare coverage during times of employment transition has been a government mandate for all employees through programs such as COBRA. It does not cost the previous employing agency--in this case the Diocese of Virginia--a penny, and yet you have deliberately denied it.
I've work with some ... the nice term would be jerk bosses (remembering Ephesians 4:29). Unless there is some sort of exemption for religious organizations, this should be REAL easy to fix, one call to VA Employment Commission or if self insured the State Corporation Commission, should solve this is a mere phone call. Actually, a call to the SCC could be fun, the insurance agency might continue insurance despite DioVA to continue to do business in the state.
Messing with civil law is *VERY* unwise of +Lee or DioVA, that stuff does come up in court. Both Jurist and juries can grasp the concept and it will taint any judgment on other issue. VERY stupid +Lee, very stupid in deed.
(Just for the record, while not a lawyer, I've been in charge of compliance, every time a jerk boss has gone against my recommendation, my employer has pain dearly, so if religions are not exempt, this was probably one of the more asinine more DioVA could have made and could cost them dearly if an employee files (please let it be a single mom with three kids, the Commonwealth would go with a vengeance over that one)).
I *REALLY* have this nagging question:
Why does my current adulterous boss, or others or the the Commonwealth of Virginia have more of a sense of justice than the Church of Jesus Christ in the United States of American. I mean Bishop Martyn Minns, Peter James Lee or Rev. John Yates or fill in the blank?
[*Begin Rant Here*]
I'm dead serious when I said that, I know where each of those men have acted in such a legally foolish way as opposed to men of the world. +Lee actions do not surprise me as +Minns neglect in an other situation.
I've experienced more "justice" in the secular circumstances. I have a clear situation in mind involving those who would like to think they're in the right, but in a neutral example, someone railroad a whole group of people, when I stood up for that group, 1st I was told that I "have to forgive" next that it was no big deal, then it was not as I thought, when I mentioned an email addressing the issue it was back to how forgiveness was an entitlement. On that not, there are consequences to not forgiving someone, but cheep grace is never the answer. It's a compound word "for" the "give," an entitlement is never a gift, in there I think is the *REAL* problem us Christian face, we forgotten the Cross and it's meaning.
PEOPLE: There is just something wrong! Bishop Minns and Bishop Lee, do you not know you will face Christ and give an answer some day? One side needs to remember the *mercy* side of Micah 6:8 another the *justice* side.
The ultimate irony is in what I just expressed. +Lee and +Minns are mere sinner save by grace, truly we should not look to them. The world at this moment in the US may have more justice, but that's because of the plethora or jurist, yet missing the element of grace. We who claim grace, yet it's a cheap grace degrading the Cross.
OH LORD save us!
Oh Jesus:
Kyrie, rex genitor ingenite, vera essentia, eleyson.
Kyrie, luminis fons rerumque conditor, eleyson.
Kyrie, qui nos tuæ imaginis signasti specie, eleyson.
Christe, Dei forma humana particeps, eleyson.
Christe, lux oriens per quem sunt omnia, eleyson.
Christe, qui perfecta es sapientia, eleyson.
Kyrie, spiritus vivifice, vitæ vis, eleyson.
Kyrie, utriqusque vapor in quo cuncta, eleyson.
Kyrie, expurgator scelerum et largitor gratitæ; quæsumus propter nostrasoffensas noli nos relinquere, O consolator dolentis animæ, eleyson
[Lord, King and Father unbegotten, True Essence of the Godhead, have mercy on us.
Lord, Fount of light and Creator of all things, have mercy on us.
Lord, Thou who hast signed us with the seal of Thine image, have mercy on us.
Christ, True God and True Man, have mercy on us.
Christ, Rising Sun, through whom are all things, have mercy on us.
Christ, Perfection of Wisdom, have mercy on us.
Lord, vivifying Spirit and power of life, have mercy on us.
Lord, Breath of the Father and the Son, in Whom are all things, have mercy on us.
Lord, Purger of sin and Almoner of grace, we beseech Thee abandon us not because of our Sins, O Consoler of the sorrowing soul, have mercy on us.]
[*Rant End*]
Peace be with you!
Okay, more emotional than logical:
"On that not"
Read as
"On that note"
Sometimes we all need to rant. It's a good way to let off steam among friends! The fact that you know your boss is adulterous is kind of frightening given that I woud never want to know that much about my boss . . . .
As for COBRA, "religious organizations such as churches and church affiliated hospitals are exempt from the COBRA law, although many offer a COBRA-like extension." I would think that something could have been worked out . . . .
I really hear your pain and anger. Somtimes I think logic is overrated and emotion is underrated.
I would like to understand better, and maybe it's because I'm not a Christian that I couldn't quite follow your thoughts. I do know that sometimes the secular world is easier to deal with because we expect less. I've been there. I've had my spirtual leader let me down in a way that made me leeve the synagogue I belonged to for quite a while. I have yet to heal enough to join another. Internal politics were more important than acting the way God asks of us.
Your friend,
MDlawlid (Melanie):
This one post is exactly why I gave you permission to call me out on any unbecoming behavior. When thing get thick, I become confused, thank you so much for being a sane voice in thick on it!
Dazed & confused at time, but friends,
MDlawlib (Melanine):
THANK YOU for your kind reply.
WOW! My I learn to respond with such grace and truth! Your words were so dead on! Yes, there is such pain & yes, there is a standard above my emotions (which you didn't merely dismiss) , wow!!! My people have a lot to learn and also thank you for your kind words [I mean that is ways beyond you can know, still thank!).
Thank you for being BB personal friend & my e-friend, it means a lot and your voice (even if you need to rebuke) means a lot!!!!
By the Creator of the Universe, your God bless you with every good gift He has for you and make your paths straight! Remember always, my people may have done much in the name of Jesus (Y'shua) but He was born Jewish! A fact my people to soon forget & to our parole, please forgive us!
Thank you for your amazing post. I am moved beyond words by your request for forgiveness for what has been done to the Jews. For all the terrible things there have been Christians who have risked or given their lives to save Jews and that can not be forgotten either. And just today I was reading an article about the terrible situation of Christians in Bethlehem. One man said that he thought in 20 years there would be no Christians left in that city. I worry that the Jews in Israel are not doing enough to protect the Christians. We have to recognize them as our brothers and sisters who are suffering terribly.
I think it is easier for me to stand back a bit here and observe because I am not in this fight. Of course knowing BB has given me insight into the situation. I personally have friends on both sides. However, as a "liberal" I believe with my whole heart that people should be free to choose how they worship. If TEC has gone in a direction that has caused churches to break away then they need to address that in a humane and sensitive way. Instead I see a circling of the wagons, putting property before people, and rules instead of righteousness. Why can't there be TEC and CANA? It hurts no one, except maybe their feelings. I see CANA as being a sister to TEC, part of the Anglican Communion and a way for those Anglicans in the United States to remain members. Why is that bad?
What I have learned from all of you here on BBonline is that Akinola is a smokescreen for TEC to use so they don't have to engage you theologically. And as I said I was blown away by his statement about the terrible law pending in Nigeria. No Muslim would have written that letter.
I guess what saddens me the most is to see the pain on both sides. For the life of me I don't see why TEC and CANA can not co-exist.
Kevin I'm so happy I met you here on BB. You share my passion for religious freedom and so many people just ignore that issue. And your honesty about your feeling is so refreshing. I admire you so much for that.
You both are great friends - it was really such a blessing to come home from Richmond and see your posts. Thanks for the insightful, honest, and fascinating comments offer here at the cafe. Thank you.
Anyone else worried about this letter?
There are at least two really serious problems here -- problems that support my contention that only african bishops should be appointed to oversee AMiA and CANA parishes, not the likes of Minns, however well meaning.
FIRST the letter is addressed to "The Rt. Rev. Peter James Lee" and begins "Dear Bishop Lee". BUT Minns province does not recognise Lee's consecration, nor recognise Lee as a Christian, much less an Anglican
So why is Minns addressing Lee as if they were both Anglican Bishops??
SECOND, isn't Minns begging Lee for money about the heath insurance? Again, this is completely wrong and the opposite to Minnis own primate, to whom he know owes his allegiance and his life. Not one red cent can from from Heretics to Christians! So why is Minns begging rather than rejoicing! Better that the clergy die by the roadside than recieve healthcare or even healthcare registration from ECUSA! that is what heresy means
THIRD, even in writing this letter, it shows Minns recognises Lee. He should follow the example of his superious and his betters - thre Primates of the Global South - who do not even reply to any letters from ECUSA.
They completely ignore any "overtures" or "diplomacy" from heretics.
Minns should have nothing to do with Lee; should not reply to any letters nor send any; should speak only through the Power of Preaching; the Power of the Courts; and ideally the Power of the Church to Convict the Heretic.
I think you went over the deep end in your logic. I'm completely lost, then maybe I'm too simple.
"First" - I'm really confused. +Minns used +Lee title, if +Minns wrote a RC bishop or a UMC bishop it would only be proper to use the title.
"Second" - no I think it's not a plea for money of health insurance, but a return gab back at +Lee for wrongs done. I think you went of a dead end rabbit trail here.
"Third" - I didn't think Bishop Peter James Lee being the duly consecrated bishop of the Episcopal Church diocese of Virginia has ever been in question.
Per nothing to do with +Lee, well, like it or not we're stuck with each other. This is like a marriage gone bad with property issue, hopefully without children, but at least property issue. I have an ex, in some sense, I'd love to agree with you! Mine was simple, but still regardless I'm stuck were there was once a loving relationship, now discord, until the property issues were solved, guess what I *HAD* to deal with her.
So your post really confused me.
If it was a vent to frustration, then may the Lord guide us all to His peace. Else maybe I'm too simple and it went over my head.
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