[*From the desk of Please don't take me too seriously department*]
Now, BB, you really don't know what trouble you stirred up with this post. Fandom will give Mr. Lucus his dues but, would rather suffer through a showing of THX 1138 (FYI - one of the most boring Orwellian style movies ever). However to claim any greatness and legacy for this cheap-rip-off-and-claim-for-himself-but-make-it- *REAL*-pretty-so-even-the-Sci-Fi-purest-will- see-his-movies-then-sit-around-and-criticize-it has any claim to legacy is a real blow to all the works that have gone before.
Mr. Matthew McGowan put it well in "Letters to the Editor" of Science Fiction Weekly in Nov. 1998:
"Lastly, I find myself in agreement with many others--who have noted the simple fact that Lucas's vision of the series is one that borrows much from numerous serial SF films from the '30s and '40s--who contend that this title is quite fitting with the rest of the Star Wars vision, a vision which we've all been pretty happy with up until now, I'd say (excluding the Ewoks, of course). And to call such a title "cheesy," as some have done, is to forget/neglect/ignore not only the greatness of such classic SF (and therefore Lucas's vision), but also how indebted Star Wars is to it."
Honestly, BB, I thought you had standards!
(Now, where's my Storm Trooper outfit so I can be in the parade at D*C 07).
[*You can now leaving Geekland & return to the real world, thank you for stopping by*]
1 comment:
[*From the desk of Please don't take me too seriously department*]
Now, BB, you really don't know what trouble you stirred up with this post. Fandom will give Mr. Lucus his dues but, would rather suffer through a showing of THX 1138 (FYI - one of the most boring Orwellian style movies ever). However to claim any greatness and legacy for this cheap-rip-off-and-claim-for-himself-but-make-it- *REAL*-pretty-so-even-the-Sci-Fi-purest-will- see-his-movies-then-sit-around-and-criticize-it has any claim to legacy is a real blow to all the works that have gone before.
Mr. Matthew McGowan put it well in "Letters to the Editor" of Science Fiction Weekly in Nov. 1998:
"Lastly, I find myself in agreement
with many others--who have noted the simple fact that Lucas's vision of the series is one that borrows much from numerous serial SF films from the '30s and '40s--who contend that this title is quite fitting with the rest of the Star Wars vision, a vision which we've all been pretty happy with up until now, I'd say (excluding the Ewoks, of course). And to call such a title "cheesy," as some have done, is to forget/neglect/ignore not only the greatness of such classic SF (and therefore Lucas's vision), but also how indebted Star Wars is to it."
Honestly, BB, I thought you had standards!
(Now, where's my Storm Trooper outfit so I can be in the parade at D*C 07).
[*You can now leaving Geekland & return to the real world, thank you for stopping by*]
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