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St. Augustine's Chair |
Lord Luce will chair the Crown Nominations Commission, charged with finding a successor to Rowan Williams who is stepping down after a decade as the Church of England's most senior cleric.
The peer's appointment, by David Cameron, was announced by Downing Street today. The nominations commission will put its recommendation to the Prime Minister who will then seek the Queen's approval. An announcement is expected in the autumn.
Dr Williams revealed last month that he would be leaving his post at the end of December in time to start a new role as master of Magdalene College, Cambridge next January.
Lord Luce, 75, was a Tory MP for 21 years and served in Margaret Thatcher's government, including as minister of state at the Foreign Office until he resigned over the 1982 Falklands invasion.
He also spent six years as Lord Chamberlain to the Queen until 2006. He was appointed to the House of Lords in 2000 and sits as a crossbencher.
Lord Luce described the appointment as a "great privilege" and a "heavy" responsibility.
"I am very conscious of the significance of the archbishop's role both nationally and across the world," he said.
"It is, of course, of great importance both to the Church of England and to the wider community in our country, given the Church's contribution to our society at all levels.
"The archbishop is also the head of world-wide Anglican Communion. And the appointment of an Archbishop of Canterbury also means a great deal for other Christian denominations and for other faiths.
"Archbishop Rowan has made an outstanding contribution in all of these spheres. Finding a worthy successor will not be an easy task for the commission."
His wife Rose is a lay minister in the Church of England and they worship at a parish church near their home in West Sussex.
"Archbishop Rowan has made an outstanding contribution in all of these spheres. Finding a worthy successor will not be an easy task for the commission."
This comment is discouraging.
Why is that rather gracious comment discouraging. Is the measurement of everyone in the Church these days the degree to which they vilify others?
It is discouraging to hear that they may be searching for someone like the current ABC. Do you really believe that this "gracious" comment accurately describes the last 10 years with RW as leader of the WWAC?
I think all of us have reason to be disappointed with at least a few things that have happened in the Communion during the past decade, but I think it entirely unreasonable to lay the blame at the Archbishop's door. Given the history of appointments it is very unlikely that the next Archbishop will be anything like Dr. Williams. It is also unlikely, given the news from London, that the next Archbishop will be given as much authority as Dr. Williams had, at least at the beginning of his tenure. It is, in fact, quite likely that no matter who is appointed the Communion will continue to be fractured. What is also likely is that formal and informal networks will develep among member churches (and churches that are not members) focused on mission. Some of these partnerships will involve dioceses and churches that continue to disagree about sexuality but share common commitments to mission. There are already such partnerships as at least Anglicans have found that agreeing about sexuality need not be a prerequisite for collaboration in mission. This is, I think, a promising sign of the Holy Spirit.
Fr. Weir,
"What is also likely is that formal and informal networks will develep among member churches (and churches that are not members) focused on mission." I agree with this and believe it will be divided into those who primarily believe in Evangelism and those who primarily believe in Issues of culture and the environment.
Dale: The only statement I could cull out of the post was that "Finding a worthy successor will not be an easy task. . . ." This strikes me as a completely uncontroversial statement. I saw nothing that stated the Commission would look for someone "like" the current Archbishop. I think you project too much.
Rowan Williams brought unique skills, strengths, attributes, weaknesses to the position at a unique time. The next Archbishop will do likewise.
Here in the diocese of Canterbury we have nothing but admiration and affection for our Archbishop who has been an outstanding teacher and pastor in his parochial visitations. The Archbishop of C is first and foremost Primate of All England in the national Church.Sadly it is dealing with a fractious and dysfunctional Anglican Communion that has ground him down. He is seen as "Leader" of the AC on an almost papal model when in fact no such osition exists.Here in England we rather hope his successor may concentrate on his Primatial role. Being shorn of many AC duties might allow him to do this more effectively..as it used to be, and in my opinion should be. We should revisit lambeth 1948 which saw the AC as provisional and its vocation to disappear, and ask ourselves whether the trajectory we set out on with the appointment of Steve Bayne as Executive Officer was in fact the right one.
Perry butler Canterbury England
Very much appreciate the last comment and its perspective. We have fallen into a habit here in the US of looking at almost everything through the lense of the current melee over homosexuality. To an extent, the same could be said of other geographies in the Anglican Communion. These fracases necessarily have occupied much of the current Archbishop's time and attention. Of course, there is much more to the Church than that. And, of course, there is much more to the Archbishop (the institution and its current occupant) than that. The last comment helps us to think about the larger view.
Christians are, alas, a disturbingly, confoundingly fractious lot. It must vex the Archbishop sorely to have to witness this during his tenure.
Williams is to Anglicanism what Obama is to America: an educational elititist with no leadership skills. I can't wait for Williams to return to academia and mumbler and mutter while trying to be magnanimous. I am American of British (paternal) and Irish (maternal) heritage, both naturalized here and devout to their respective faiths. I am Anglican by choice and heritage with roots to William III and a family motto from that time of "Freedom and friendship will keep the faith." Our freedoms here and in UK are disappearing and it effects both friendship and faith. I detest those in America who have pushed this issue toward destroying The Communion. At 21, with many life issues, I am out to parents knowing that i am samge gender attracted/oriented. I don't use that 'g' word because it is naught but political and now even more, a corporate sellout, with the large non-profit orgs accepting dollars from former bashers like the selling of indulgences to get to heaven. I go to church every Sunday I can and do so to worship GOD, repent of sin, ask forgiveness and be in fellowship with family and friends in HIS presence. My sexuality or that of any person is part of the human condition and how can those who so HATE the church want blessing from it? Williams or any other ABC has firm foundation in THE WORD (I still like King James version of it, even though he was a not so nice king.) Marriage is a Holy rite, civil unions a legal (human) right. If you dont respect GOD's WORD, then don't expect to use HIS house for something HE does not approve of very clearly. That sayed, GOD loves us all and any Christian church does not allow any sinner in it is naught but a museum of saints instead of hospital for sinners. I ask all queer people, let's stop lying about being equal in the way GOD sees it, not how we see it! Now I am in a long distance relationship with British guy. We're not any less human than any others. But we love GOD and hope for HIM to guide us in life as best of friends and firstly in HIS service. While millions and millions of dollars are being spent on 'gay marriage' kids all over still commit suicide and a lot of that from pressure to be out and about while really confused and afraid. Those kids, like my mate and I, come from man and woman. I choose to honor parents by respect their marriage and specially mine because after they raise 4 kids they go to have first real honeymoon in Belfast where they meet to try and bring sanity in an insane time by people worshipping the same GOD. Well, now dadders is 72 and mum 68, but I was their gift conceived in love a place where peace now exists. This is a different kind of war and I will speak out and loydly, I do not believe GOD is happy. So dear JESUS, I ask YOU send HOLY SPIRIT and get this sorted in hearts, minds and souls. GOD SAVE THE CHURCH. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. GOD BLESS AND SAVE THE U.S.A. for if history has not taught us to be true to some basic principles and values, there is no future. I just hope His Lordship gets this job done proper and by THE WORD. As for Obama ~ his word is by Sol Alinsky and GOD save us from that evil!
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