My mom is also buried at Punchbowl, the National Cemetery of the Pacific. I too spent hours and hours of my life in the old Cinerama Theatre with gobs of friends in downtown Honolulu watching Star Wars, over and over again - in fact, that's where my friends took me when they came over and gathered me up the morning after my mom died, in 1977, when I was sixteen. For two hours I almost forgot. But I never forgot those friends. Hawaii pono i.
It used to be that there were three things we did before we could drive in Honolulu: we'd take "da bus" for a dime and go downtown to the Ala Moana Shopping Center and hang out at the mall, or we'd head back down to Ft. DeRussy in Waikiki to go to the beach (where they had these rafts out by the reef you could swim to), or we'd go watch Star Wars yet again at the Cinerama, were it played for over a year.
So, here's a bipartisan moment - Barak Obama is really 100% Hawaiian. So friends on my side of aisle, quit foolin' around with his citizenship. He's a kamaaina, and at the end of the day, at least around here at the Cafe, that's all that really matters. Go Barry. We're praying for you.
Babyblue, I am sorry but your common ties with Obama do not trump his evil methods of winning the election or his association with radical anti-american activists, or most importantly, his support for abortion - even third term abortion - which is murder of the innocent.
This nation will certainly rue and will hopefully repent of electing such a man.
I agree with GA/FL. There are too many irregularities to have such faith in "Barry".
If there is really no problem with his citizenship, why oh why doesn't he just put an end to it all and have the birth certificate released? he says he wants to unify the country, but instead he is being divisive over one thing that could be so easily resolved! No one could wonder, no one could suggest something sinister if he'd just tell Hawaii to release the original.
If he really wants to end the speculation of the bloggers and conservative talk shows, etc. it is in his power to do so. And yet he doesn't. Either there is really a problem, or he doesn't really care about bringing peace where it could be. You can't have it both ways.
And I am sure that if we have to answer for ever idle word (Matt 12:36) surely people will have to answer for votes for someone with such a low regard for human life.
Yes, I'd agree that we elected a sinner, then maybe that's the best thing for us. Maybe we'll be more on edge and pay attention, also it tests our resolve if we place our hopes in man or God. It is written:
"Curse not the king, no, not in thy thought; and curse not the rich in thy bedchamber: for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter." Ecclesiastes 10:20
"As the divisions of waters, so the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord: whithersoever he will, he shall turn it." Proverbs 21:1
"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth." 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Remember our battle is not against fresh and blood but powers and principalities that rule this world who are expert at deceiving both Democrats and Republicans. I'm not happy about the President-elects positions on life and other moral issues, but he was Constitutionally elected to be the President of the United States, my job is to pray for him and do all in my power to legally oppose that which is ungodly, the same as it has been with President Bush and with the Clinton administration before that.
Well said, Kevin. We should all pray for the authorities no matter who they are! God called even Nebuchadnezzer "my servent."
But one question currently being asked is: WAS Constitutionally elected? Is he really eligible under the Constitution to be President? Certainly that is a question that deserves an answer.
He probably is, I'll grant that. But why won't he just end all the speculation and have his original birth certificate released? His refusal (assuming he was born in Hawaii) seems to be causing more division rather than healing wounds in this country. And even if he was born outside the US since he had a parent who was an American citizen, he could claim US citizenship from birth. Unless, perhaps, she renounced HER citizenship, but I've never heard any allegations about that.
The problem is "native born" has never been defined. But I'm betting that the courts would come down on "Born in the USA or to citizens of the USA if on foreign soil."
All we can do is speculate which is worthless and causes more arguements - it would be better if we could end the mystery!
Hi Anon,
The answer to your question is "Yes," if for no other reason than the branch in charge of that refused to hear the case. In the buzz of AP stories, there was an independent group that also confirmed the birth certificate (point to raised seal and numerous other items) and an office from Hawaii (whose position I do not recall, but I remember the AP correction that she was not secretary of state for the state as they previously misidentified her) also confirmed the birth certificate.
So the Court says "yes" the state of Hawaii says "yes" therefore I'd say it's a non-issue.
On the foreign soil but to US parents, currently actually they are consider native born in the US by the State Dept. (there is a form to fill out, which is not the case here) but that would be an interesting Court decision, especially if in any complex considered sovereign territory (I'm no just meaning Gaum, but any military base or embassy compound, could me ex every be president [born in a military hospital in Germany]).
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