Global South Steering Committee Report from the meetings on Nov 15-17, 2006
The Global South Steering Committee, at the request of the Global South Primates, recently met with bishops and representatives of eight Anglican Communion Network Dioceses who have appealed to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Global South Primates for various forms of Alternative Primatial Oversight. Representatives of other Windsor-compliant Dioceses and the more than one hundred congregations that are now separated from the Episcopal Church also joined us.
Respective presentations were received expressing the increasingly difficult and, in some cases, untenable situations in which they attempt to live out apostolic faith and historic order. We were distressed to hear of the legalistic and autocratic environment in which some now find themselves as they seek to remain faithful Anglicans within The Episcopal Church.
The Steering Committee will be making its report and recommendation to the Global South Primates when they next meet and will also be sharing them with the Archbishop of Canterbury. Deeply touched by the oftentimes painful and gravely disconcerting testimonies that we heard, the Global South Steering Committee feels morally and spiritually compelled to reassert its deepest solidarity with these orthodox and faithful bishops and representatives.
We express our unequivocal support and heartfelt recognition for their faithful stand and struggles. We urge all faithful members and parishes of these concerned dioceses to remain steadfast in their commitment to Christ as our one and only Lord and Savior during these turbulent days. We will do all in our power to bring about the desired outcome of the ³Windsor process² so that the refined global Anglican Communion can be faithful to its vocation as part of the ³One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic² Church.
I suppose these people would see the arrest of an arsonist or bank robber as the work of a “legalistic and autocratic environment.” Or would that be true only if the perp were convinced that God were on his side, giving him the right to violate normal moral principles of civilized behavior.
Lionel: come on you're in IT, please don't degrade the profession, you made one part of the statement:
"I suppose these people would see the arrest of an arsonist or bank robber as the work of a “legalistic and autocratic environment.”
Then didn't complete your reasoning ... beacaue x, y, z.
Else we're left with logical fallacy, just like a coded syntax error, crashes everything.
My point was that it is not “legalistic” to expect people to behave according to the rules of whatever environment they have willingly entered. The people in TEC being supported by the Global South Steering Committee hold their own church, and particularly its constitution and canons, in utter contempt. If you don't want to play by the rules, you don't get to complain when you get called on it.
RE: "The people in TEC being supported by the Global South Steering Committee hold their own church, and particularly its constitution and canons, in utter contempt."
In some cases you may be correct, but in others in error. The Nigerian Anglican Church changes canons, so they're certainly not in contempt.
This is odd for now we seem to be close to the same point. If TEC can change things, why can't the Global South?
I do believe there is a difference, GS is changing governance & TEC is attempting to act with magisterial powers and speak to the matter of theology, not clarifing or delineate theological positions but legislate new ones that are not a part of the "doctrine, discipline, and worship of Christ as this Church has received them."
RE: "If you don't want to play by the rules, you don't get to complain when you get called on it."
Hmmmm, is ++KJS theology in line with what has been handed down, then who is not playing be the rules? Remember while the resolutions affirming Scripture or the uniqueness of Christ may have failed at the last two GC, there's a lot already on the books.
Thank you, Lionel, for filling out your logic and not just throwing out an accusation without reasoning. I do hope you & your family have a great Thanksgiving. We are abundantly blessed by God.
Well, one can hope that the next time she decides to invite Anglican Archbishops (or anyone else for that matter), she might reconsider her manners. It's still troublesome that on one hand, she wanted to meet with them, but on the other she demanded it on her terms and did it on the public stage. One wonders exactly who is advising her - or if she is thinking up these catastrophic diplomatic maneuvers on her own?
I don't know what the archbishops wrote to her - it was private correspondence. I just know they wrote to her personally, privately, and cordially.
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