Thursday, December 22, 2011

AnglicanTV: AMiA, Quincy, Ft. Worth and Charley Brown


Anonymous said...

Mr. Haley misapprehends the South Carolina decision. The decision there relied on a quitclaim deed from 100 years ago. The Dennis Canon has not been tested yet.

Haley's take on Pittsburgh is admirable - a fresh start is, frankly, what Duncan should have done years ago.

Haley grossly overreaches in his analysis of the Quincy judgment.

This will be the last time I listen to this guy.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Quincy decision was just a denial of a summary judgment motion. Which means the merits will be decided only after the taking of evidence, as opposed to being ruled on as a matter of law.

I read Mr. Haley assiduously. He has much to say that is interesting and stimulating. He write very well. He is almost always, however, completely out of phase with the way the judiciary evaluates these issues.
