Yep, no sign of Katharine Jefferts Schori in New York this past week. Apparently she fled to the other side of the country. But have no fear, Benedict was here and he had a few things to say about the "splintering" of Christian churches over "so-called prophetic actions that are based on a hermeneutic not always consonant with the datum of Scripture and Tradition."
Now who do we think he's talking about here?
Such "so-called prophetic actions" cause Christian communities to "give up the attempt to act as a unified body, choosing instead to function according to the idea of 'local options,'" Benedict said, and as such lose their connections to Christians in other times and places.
No wonder Schori skipped town.
How 'bout:
Maybe she was so upset at this blatant boarder crossing ... after all not only did he no ask her permission, this patriarchal guy doesn't even recognize her office. It may have been better to leave town, so at least she has an excuse on why the leader of >1B Christians didn't "pay a call" her.
That boarder crossing thing got to stop ... besides ... he got to speak to the UN and she the only trying so hard to support their MDG's ....
OFF TOPIC: 1964?! I saw Peter, Paul and Mary in the late eighties or early nineties at Wolf Trap. While not a huge fan of theirs, color me very impressed, that is quite impressive any creative body to remain together, usually five years is considered a long time ... wow!
PRESIDING BISHOP WILL VISIT ST. THOMAS' St. Thomas (6525 Inwood Rd., Dallas) will host the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, on April 28. Jefferts Schori will participate in a rogation blessing for St. Thomas new community garden, tour St. Thomas' newly restored buildings, speak at a reception, and take questions from the audience.
St. Thomas' community garden is located on a formerly vacant lot adjacent to the church. Church members have created two large "pantry plots" on which they are growing vegetables they will donate to local food banks and organizations fighting hunger in Dallas, especially North Dallas Shared Ministries and the Resource Center of Dallas. In addition, 16 individuals, who maintain private plots, have agreed to give at least 10 percent of their harvest to local food banks. SCHEDULE 9 to 11 a.m. Meeting with clergy of the Diocese of Dallas 2:30 p.m. Blessing of the garden 3:15 p.m Q&A session 4 p.m. Reception
Our Presiding Bishop's orders are not recognized by Rome -- why in the world would she attend a function only to be reminded of that fact? And to be denied Communion?!? C'mon, BB, get real. Find something else to whine about.
That she ended up on the other side of the country illustrates that the Episcopal Church can no longer identify itself as a bridge church between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Those days - at least for TEC - seem to be over.
Remember, Rowan stopped in to see the Pope. Frank Griswold, the former PB, actually served on the committee that was working on dialogue between Rome and Canterbury (the ARCIC. That all ended after General Convention 2003.
That reality is one of the major reasons several Episcopal Bishops went to Rome. They recognized that TEC was no longer a bridge church between Catholic Christianity and Protestant Christianity but was now the bridge church between Trinitarianism and Unitarianism. If Dr. Os Guinness is right, even that's being left behind as TEC sinks into liturgical unitarianism and paganism. As we saw recently in Los Angeles, TEC may becoming the Bridge Church between Unitarians and Hindus.
But certainly there appears to be no room for extending the hand of fellowship to Benedict. Perhaps she remembers that he is the author of the letter sent from the Vatican to the gathering at "Plano Dallas" in the fall of 2003.
Usually it not wise to chime in after BB, but I read the article whining about President Bush's saying we needed the Pope's message against relativism over at Naughton's place ... so maybe there are other reasons she might want to skip town, Wayne ;-)
How 'bout:
Maybe she was so upset at this blatant boarder crossing ... after all not only did he no ask her permission, this patriarchal guy doesn't even recognize her office. It may have been better to leave town, so at least she has an excuse on why the leader of >1B Christians didn't "pay a call" her.
That boarder crossing thing got to stop ... besides ... he got to speak to the UN and she the only trying so hard to support their MDG's ....
OFF TOPIC: 1964?! I saw Peter, Paul and Mary in the late eighties or early nineties at Wolf Trap. While not a huge fan of theirs, color me very impressed, that is quite impressive any creative body to remain together, usually five years is considered a long time ... wow!
One if the places she is going to -
St. Thomas (6525 Inwood Rd., Dallas) will host the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, on April 28. Jefferts Schori will participate in a rogation blessing for St. Thomas new community garden, tour St. Thomas' newly restored buildings, speak at a reception, and take questions from the audience.
St. Thomas' community garden is located on a formerly vacant lot adjacent to the church. Church members have created two large "pantry plots" on which they are growing vegetables they will donate to local food banks and organizations fighting hunger in Dallas, especially North Dallas Shared Ministries and the Resource Center of Dallas. In addition, 16 individuals, who maintain private plots, have agreed to give at least 10 percent of their harvest to local food banks.
9 to 11 a.m. Meeting with clergy of the Diocese of Dallas
2:30 p.m. Blessing of the garden
3:15 p.m Q&A session
4 p.m. Reception
Maybe she had a job in the Great North Wood, workin' as a cook for a spell;
but she never did like it all that much and one day the axe just fell...
Our Presiding Bishop's orders are not recognized by Rome -- why in the world would she attend a function only to be reminded of that fact? And to be denied Communion?!? C'mon, BB, get real. Find something else to whine about.
well,looks like God's Chosen People had time for the Pope.
That she ended up on the other side of the country illustrates that the Episcopal Church can no longer identify itself as a bridge church between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Those days - at least for TEC - seem to be over.
Remember, Rowan stopped in to see the Pope. Frank Griswold, the former PB, actually served on the committee that was working on dialogue between Rome and Canterbury (the ARCIC. That all ended after General Convention 2003.
That reality is one of the major reasons several Episcopal Bishops went to Rome. They recognized that TEC was no longer a bridge church between Catholic Christianity and Protestant Christianity but was now the bridge church between Trinitarianism and Unitarianism. If Dr. Os Guinness is right, even that's being left behind as TEC sinks into liturgical unitarianism and paganism. As we saw recently in Los Angeles, TEC may becoming the Bridge Church between Unitarians and Hindus.
But certainly there appears to be no room for extending the hand of fellowship to Benedict. Perhaps she remembers that he is the author of the letter sent from the Vatican to the gathering at "Plano Dallas" in the fall of 2003.
Usually it not wise to chime in after BB, but I read the article whining about President Bush's saying we needed the Pope's message against relativism over at Naughton's place ... so maybe there are other reasons she might want to skip town, Wayne ;-)
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