All right - for the record - BabyBlue is an enthusiastic supporter for ordained ministry of both men and women. But this video is unbelievable.
Margaret Rose, director of 815's Women's Ministries, seems totally clueless about why the Episcopal Church is going down the drain. Totally and utterly clueless. It's as though they think that if they just keep repeating the same thing over and over as they've been doing for the past thirty years that something else will happen.
Imagining? Claiming? Empowering? (see 1971's article on feminist theology here:
Nothing new about it and as Os Guinness says, it's plenty older than that. It's just so hard to believe it.
Now I have to admit I watched the video while playing XM's Audio Visions off AOL Radio, which may have a lent a certain imagining glow over the video presentation. If you do have online radio, pick a NewAge station then click on the headline above and see why we are just dealing with the tip of the "TEC" iceberg. Look Ma, it works!
By the way, has anyone seen Jesus lately? Is He stuck somewhere on the D Train? Lost in Macy's? Trying to find the right exit off the Garden State Parkway? Or is He just over at All Angels saving souls?
Is this what it means to be Episcopal ordained women - to sit around in a room reimagining, reclaiming, reempowering? When does the ohming begin? Will milk and honey be served this time?
Episo-paganism now on video!
Listen very carefully. And try not to fall asleep. it is time to be watchful and alert. Thanks Karen, for sending this. You are the most watchful and alert person I know, as you toil for the Gospel of Jesus somewhere in the world where people are imprisoned and killed for following Jesus. Too bad Margaret doen't just give you a ring.
So sit back, pop some popcorn, grab a beer, and click on the headline above. Hear it straight from our good friends at 815 (music not included). Do not pass Go. Do not collect 200 dollars. After thirty years why change now? Just keep repeating the same thing over and over and over like a mantra and never consider that perhaps the whole premise is wacked.
By the way....
Notice the subtle swipe against the "Cardinal" parishes. You know who they are. I go to one. Oh friends, it is just so subtle. You know who she's talking about. Listen very carefully to what she is saying. And check out where the whole "imagining" and "claiming" language comes from. Can we go now? Please?
And finally ...
NOTE TO BONO: Perhaps you should take another meeting at 815 next time you pass through the Big Apple. It seems that TEC has decided to reimagine the goals of your ONE Campaign as well as everything else they want to reimagine. After all, look at what brilliant imagining they've done with our liturgy and scripture. Just keep the packaging and change the package. It's all about reimagining the Episcopal Church - and let's not mention the "J" word once! Watch the video and see for yourself.
If ordained women wish to be leaders in the church they would be advised to develop some actual leadership skills.
I've heard too much complaining from would-be leaders who want the top leadership jobs but aren't willing to actually develop leadership skills.
I see women with leadership skills leading. I see women without them complaining. This sounds like more complaining to me.
Linda McMillan
Austin, Texas
Wow. Good critique. That video and conference is a disservice to the orthodox women priests I've come to know.
And since when has the priesthood been a populist bottom-up affair? As I understand it, it's a top down model- from God, to the Church, and then on to us. We don't tell God what to do, or "reinvision" Him... Ugh.
Thank you for your critique, and sorry for the rant.
BB, the Borg of 815WM have password protected the video. Seems you might have touched a nerve and now they aren't so proud of their work as once they were. Is there another source where one might view the swill?
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