The Institute on Religion & Democracy
Friday, October 20, 2006
Contact: Jeff Walton 202-682-4131
Ralph Webb Becomes IRD's New Anglican Action Director
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) is pleased to announce the appointment of Ralph A. Webb, III, as the new director of its Anglican Action program. Formerly a writer and training coordinator at Nortel Government Solutions in Fairfax, VA, Webb started work at the IRD on October 1.
The IRD was founded in 1981 to reform the social witness of America's churches, in accord with biblical and historic Christian teachings, thereby contributing to the renewal of democratic society at home and abroad. The Institute has had an affiliated committee active in the Episcopal Church since the mid-1980s. For many years until her death in April 2005, the late IRD President Diane Knippers was the leading figure in that Anglican/Episcopal work. Now Webb will be stepping forward into
the breach.
"Over the years Ralph has given a great deal of time and energy to renewal efforts within the Episcopal Church," said IRD President Dr. James Tonkowich. "Ralph's experience and knowledge will be invaluable as we seek to find new ways to encourage a social witness that reflects the Bible and historic Christian teachings in all of the manifestations of Anglicanism in America."
Tonkowich noted that like Knippers, Webb is committed to helping build a biblical expression of the Anglican Communion in North America while at the same time "helping the IRD to build alliances with other Anglican groups no longer affiliated with the Episcopal Church."
Webb worked at Nortel from 1997-2006. He has served as a vestry member of Truro Episcopal Church in Fairfax, Virginia. Webb has participated in teams from both Truro and the IRD at the last three General Conventions of the Episcopal Church. He graduated from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, VA, and has taken courses through Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA.
"I look forward to serving with the IRD in the cause of Anglican Action. The IRD has been a strong voice over the years for an authentic, compelling, and scripturally-based social witness in the mainline churches, and for religious liberty around the world," Webb said. "I am privileged to serve with the IRD."
Fine addition, congrads Chip!
And here I thought the IRD was irrelevant. Silly silly me.
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