Lay leader Sarah Hey from the Diocese of South Carolina offers these links on keeping in tuned with what is going on at General Convention, as well as some on-the-spot analysis. Thanks so much Sarah!'
Here they are:
-- Matt Kennedy, ECUSA priest in the Diocese of Central New York, works through a number of possible scenarios in the aftermath of GC 2006. Good stuff!
-- Lydia Evans, deputy to General Convention from the Diocese of South Carolina, responds to a letter from a parishioner:
Key Passage: "Thank you for your letter of June 6th regarding the upcoming General Convention of the Episcopal Church. While I share your concern for the deep divisions within our Church and the Anglican Communion, please know that I have been considering this situation prayerfully for the past three years and that I will not act precipitously. That being said, you need to know that I will not elevate the Unity of the Church above the Truth of the Gospel.
Let me tell you why. This is the Good News – Christ, tempted in every way as we are, did not sin. But for our sins he was lifted high upon the cross, that he might draw the whole world to himself. After his glorious resurrection, He appeared to the disciples and ascended into heaven to prepare a place for us, that we might finally be one, reigning with him in glory. This is true unity. God gave His only Son as the perfect sacrifice for my miserable sins, and His atoning work upon the Cross ensures that I am marked as His own forever. He is the Lord of my life. He is first.
While I would agree that we must acknowledge the timing of God in His perfect kairos, I also believe that He will equip me in the chronos -- in our time – to partipate in the councils of His Church. The Episcopal Church is but one small part of the Anglican Communion. I am reminded that the Episcopal Church is a man-made, self-governing structure – a denomination – and in our reliance on self, we’re tempted to elevate our man-made creation over our Creator. A prime example of this is the way in which ECUSA moved forward with same-sex blessings in 2003 while dismissing theologians and bishops in the Anglican Communion who entreated the Church not to take this step in haste. This was clearly not exercising reason or moderation.
As to how I plan to discern the will of God in speaking and voting at the General Convention, I will strive to “recognize truths to be taught by the Holy Spirit when they are in accord with the Scriptures.” (An Outline of the Faith in the BCP, p. 853) As I serve in various capacities on the diocesan level, I seek to bear witness to Christ, sharing the Good News, and carrying on His work of reconciliation in the world."
-- An interesting look at how one parish is preparing for GC 2006
Interesting Section: "Yesterday I setup a General Convention Table for all the Truro Sunday services. I had a bunch of different things out on the table to help people prepare for General Convention, articles, books, and materials to help pray for the gathering in Columbus next week. It was a beautiful day, spring-like, puffy clouds, warm with a light breeze, positively brilliant. I enjoyed talking with the different folks who came up to the table, answering questions, asking questions, and listening to people express their thoughts and feelings.
Martyn Minns, rector of Truro, offered a brilliant way to approach GC-2006 at his Rector's Forum on Sunday morning. It's called "The Three R's." What are we looking for at General Convention:
1. Repentance
2. Reaffirmation
3. Rollback
1) The AAC has dedicated a portion of its web site to DAILY UPDATES on General Convention
2) John Burwell, deputy from the Diocese of South Carolina, will post his daily reports on convention here:
3) Stand Firm in Faith, of the Diocese of Mississippi, will post daily updates here:
4) Lydia Evans, deputy from the Diocese of South Carolina, will post her daily reports at her blog:
5) Every day, Classical Anglican Net News will post a "blog roll" of links and news of the day:
6) Brad Drell, deputy from the Diocese of Western Louisiana to General Convention will post his insights on convention here:
7) The deputies from the Diocese of San Joaquin will post daily updates here:
8) Guy Lytle, priest and deputy from the diocese of Tennessee, will be posting daily updates here:
9) And for those of you who enjoy beautiful reflective writing, surf here to "Baby Blue's" blog on these issues:
10) Finally . . . there is The Master at blogging, Kendall Harmon himself:
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