Monday, June 19, 2006

Debate Begins on A160

After two liberal members of the Special Committee speak, the hero Michael Howell takes the microphone and offers his views. He is followed by Russ Palmore. "For the last seven days and nights, Committee 26 in all its ... diversity has engaged not in a political process but in a listening process." (This is actually not true - I saw amazing political maneuvering during the committee meetings that would be admired by anyone in the House of Representatives).

The speeches continue with the different members of the Special Committee speaking to A160 in a positive manner. To read the

Kendall Harmon takes the floor "The first step in the process of reconcilation is before us." He calls for moritorium.

Ohio calls for an amendment, but George Warner is corrected that it is not the time for an ammendment.

Diocese of Washington rises to support the resolution. He says that the resolution does not show that the actions that were taken in Minneapolis were wrong which he finds acceptable since he does not believe that the actions were wrong and therefore supports this resolution.

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