Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Patience, my friends - keep watch and pray ...

Lambeth is over a year away.

A lot will happen in that year.

Once again, the Anglican Communion Office - with Kenneth Kearon and Jim Rosenthall - stage a fascinating media event. But these decisions will not be made by those two - as much as they may wish it were so. They represent the only "instrument of unity" still aligned with The Episcopal Church. They know that much of the funding for Lambeth comes from The Episcopal Church. That they are opening up the Archbishop of Canterbury's mail and proclaiming it as a media event must cause Rome to shake his head in sorrow.

This is an Anglican community gathering - bishops are invited in community. No one should find out they are not invited to the party because Kenneth Kearon and Jim Rosenthall stage a press conference, no - not even Gene Robinson should be subject to such humiliation as he was today. Oh but wait, we'll let him come with another bishop, wink wink. Right.

And we also recall what the Archbishop of Canterbury actually says in his letter, " I have to reserve the right to withhold or withdraw invitations from bishops whose appointment, actions or manner of life have caused exceptionally serious division or scandal within the Communion. Indeed there are currently one or two cases on which I am seeking further advice."

Fourteen Months, dear friends, fourteen months - and before we get to Lambeth we must pass through September 30th. As Rowan Williams writes, "I reserve the right to withhold or withdraw invitations ..."


Anonymous said...

Yes, BB: "Oh but wait, we'll let him come with another bishop, wink wink." Perhaps he'll accompany Golden Boy +Minns.

Kevin said...

RE: They represent the only "instrument of unity" still aligned with The Episcopal Church

Er ... not exactly ...

Unknown said...

Kearon and Rosenthall are. I would agree though that their "office" should not be assumed to hold the same view they do. TEC is still under discipline by the ACC. But the money to fund the ACC comes from TEC, let's be clear about that. We saw Kearon and Rosenthall at General Convention and who they palled around with.


Anonymous said...

Guilt by association??

Kevin said...


Not exactly what I meant. I was so shocked in August of '03. I kept expecting this help to come from the outside, at congregational meetings we were lead to believe that this help would come.

Then I learned just how fractured the AC truly is inside. The ABC actually quietly is more and more acting in TEC interest (the UK is about as much as a mess). The 38 Primates only 11 are in the GS camp, more than TEC camp, but still a huge swing vote. ACC is pretty TEC friendly, going by WR, then ++Akinola is also in the wrong with boarder crossing (expect to hear that one).

Then that *.WMF interview you posted of ++KJS, she basically said that she was going to follow the WO acceptance model that ECUSA used.

Honestly, I'm not expecting much on Oct. 1 but maybe ++Akinola and ++Orombi to walk apart from the AC, five diocese call for APO again, and that's about it. I'm no longer looking to one great day and settling in for siege spiritual warfare.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a joke our church has become. I am very sorry to have to say that, having been baptized in the Episcopal Church in 1952. But there comes a moment in time when one must face facts, and I am at that point today. The entire "invitations to the ball" scenario is simply too funny and delicious to be taken seriously. What a joke, indeed. And we used to make fun of the guys in the Vatican . . .

Kevin said...


You were baptized into the Church of Jesus our Christ, not the Episcopal Church. I also am from the cradle a Episcopalian, so weep with you. Remember, we're only passing through!

Also we serve a GREAT God, there was days of weeping as first Israel, then Judea was sacked, but not only were there also Daniel and Ezekiel but Ezra and Nehemiah. Our job is to be faithful in the midst of it.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Appreciate your "wait and see" perspective. I agree - a lot can (and probably will) happen between now and Lambeth. We havent even gotten beyond the DES deadline ... it's not quite time for lines in the sand yet.

Unknown said...

Great comments, all. Much to consider - tens of millions are affected by these decisions.
